[Alberg30] Bilge Pump Access

Dan Pinson dan at pinson.us
Thu Dec 4 12:51:10 PST 2003

Yves Parenteau wrote:

While on the subject of bilge pump access...I have a bilge pump for Chewan
but it's sitting in one of the drawers. I would like to install it in  a
more efficient place :-) any advice would be appreciated.


Since I'm seeking help on this issue, probably not a good source of 
information. However, my plan is to mount pump and switch on a PVC pipe. 
By prevent the pipe from moving side-to-side and anchoring the top to 
prevent all movement, one can release the top and pull it out for 
service etc. quite easily. This has been described in some boot/article 
that I will try to find again. Be glad to pass on more info upon success 
if you are interested.

> Some of the Rule units come with a clip that snaps to the pump and is
> screwed done which holds the pump in place.

Stephen, thanks. I verified this in examining a new Rule. What I really was hoping for is some clever way/tool for reaching the dang thing. How do others manage it?

Thanks again,


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