[Alberg30] Onboard showers

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Sun Dec 28 14:10:55 PST 2003

George Ramsey installed a shower on Skimmer.  This is a transition boat, 
which is similar to the old boats on the inside.  It doesn't have a 
liner.  He installed a sink in the hanging locker with a faucet that 
pulls out to be a shower head, and installed a grate in the sole with a 
sump and pump underneath.  He also put a hot-water heater (engine 
driven) in the galley.

  - George

Bill Morrison wrote:
> Thanks to all those that sent information on holding
> tanks.  One problem down.  Still investigating whether
> it's possible to install an onboard shower.  The
> weather on Canada's British Columba coast isn't always
> pleasant enough to shower in the cockpit.
> Alberg, good boats, good folks, too.
> Cheers,
> Bill
   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.
                                             'The Middle' by Ogden Nash

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