[Alberg30] Thru-hulls

Alan Slater alanslater at telus.net
Sat Dec 27 09:31:53 PST 2003

I am considering replacing all the thru-hull seacocks (gate valves only).
 After removing the original gate valves I am really confused now as to what to replace them with. The original gate valves, which have a tapered pipe thread each side, were screwed onto the thru-hull stem, which should have a straight standard thread.
So, do I have to replace the gate valves with a "flanged bronze seacock", which is threaded onto the thru-hull stem (standard thread) and seated against the plywood backing, or can I just screw an inline "bronze ball valve" ("Apollo" model 2607117 c/w 85-5-5-5 chromium plated bronze ball, as listed in West Marine's catalog ) and screw it directly to the thru-hull stem, as it also has pipe threads each end just like the original gate valve.
I know that "if the shoe fits -I could wear it", but am I overlooking something that may cause me grief in the future, especially when the boat is back in the water.

Thanks for any comments,

Alan Slater
"Romp" #358
 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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