[Alberg30] Lake Ont. PHRF

dickdurk at intercom.net dickdurk at intercom.net
Wed May 14 20:08:05 PDT 2003

Each PHRF fleet bases it's handicapping on previous performance of similar 
boats-there will be differences (geographically) in fleets depending on the 
skill level of particular boats that have raced PHRF. I raced Checkmate on WED. 
night @ ST. Michaels my rating was 218; my closest competition was a Triton 
with a rating of 228-a difficult obstacle to surmount.

My theory is Albergs that have raced one design (with each other) move up a 
learning curve far quicker than any other form of racing-you immediately see 
what works and what doesn't. The Annapolis group benefited bunches, so the 
Annapolis PHRF fleets therefore have lower ratings(i.e. lower rating numbers) 
for Albergs.

The lesson here is; if some part of your mentality sees racing as a device to 
learn to sail more efficiently, sail one design. Everything else is doo-doo.


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