[Alberg30] What's a knee hull?

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Mon May 19 03:16:01 PDT 2003

In case anyone's interested, Alfredo removed both forward knees yesterday.
Neither one was bearing on the deck and both were about 6" long (a guess not
a measurement).  Both were made from 3/4 plywood which appeared in fine
condition, but were not actually attached to anything except by the
fiberglass mat that wrapped around them and secured them to the hull. I am
amazed that the plywood is in such good condition considering the leak prone
location, directly under the openning for the forward tang.

> <<< What wood is good to use to replace the knee? Plywood??? or does it
> to be solid? Teak???? or can it be something from Home Depot?>>>
> Brian, if I were replacing one, I would NOT use wood. Even if
> there is moisture in the wood and over time this can cause problems.  I
> would take a piece of hard epoxy board (you can

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