[Alberg30] Dinghies

Bob Chambers BlueDolphin at rivnet.net
Thu May 29 13:02:00 PDT 2003

Tow it!  Did so our first year to Bahamas and not a problem, though it did
knock about a quarter knot off the speed!  Have seen contraptions to hoist
it vertically behind the boat, but sure don't like such an arrangement due
to windage and visibility.  Ask Fred Stauffer about this one!

Bob Chambers

PS If you tow it, keep it real close behind the boat, about five to six
feet.  If not a RIB, tow using lines attached to the transom and lead
through "D" rings attached to the sides near the bow.  This puts the towing
force where it is designed to be.  Bruce Rankin used to tow his this way on
many offshore passages.

 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
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