[Alberg30] Dinghies

Amy & David Swanson zira at bellsouth.net
Thu May 29 15:13:08 PDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon LACO" <mainstay at csolve.net>
>...To minimize the chances that a following sea might toss it into us I
> have put a funnel on the tow line about 6' from the dingny end... if the
> dink starts catching up with us by surfing the line goes slack and the
> funnel inverts in the water yanking  to one side and spoiling its aim at

Gordon -

I assume that the pointy end of the funnel is toward the mother ship under
way?  How large a funnel do you use, & how close to the bow of the dingy do
you rig it up?  As you can tell, I am intrigued by the idea.

David Swanson
Strayaway Child
Alberg 30 #229

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