[Alberg30] Compaionway Drop Boards

Mike Lehman sail_505 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 30 19:46:41 PST 2003

Another option, if the companionway slides are in good shape, but need refinishing, is to take the to a furniture restoration company. For $30 they can dip them and remove the finish to bare wood. Some light sanding and you are ready for a new finish of your choice. I used a furniture stripper in Annapolis and it saved me hours of sanding.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dudley Baker 
  To: Alberg 30 public list 
  Cc: Post to Publiclist ; public-list-bounces at alberg30.org 
  Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 9:53 PM
  Subject: Re: [Alberg30] Compaionway Drop Boards

  Thanks for your input -- very timely advice as my companionway slides, (while still somewhat solid),
  are covered in what I consider the  awful Semco.  I would rather start fresh and not have to sand in
  all the nooks and crannys.  I checked on the AFI site and you're right  -- part numbers are there
  and I will probably go this route.
  Dudley Baker #297

                        Brian and Elaine                                                                                                                                                    
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                        Please respond to                                                                                                                                                   
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    On my ex#497, when the companionway drop boards fell apart to the point that it didn't make sense
  to patch them up any longer, I made complete new louvered drop boards to fit by modiying a kit.
    I don't see the kit parts listed anywhere in my normal on line shopping favorites any more, but
  I'm sure they can be had by ordering them.  The kit is made by AFI. The numbers are:  top/bottom
  stiles 60881 -----  side rails  60880  -------- Louvers / slats 60882.  These parts are listed at
  the Marinco-AFI web page still so the part numbers are current. Unfortunately, they don't show a
  picture, but you can see the results at:
  in the first album.
     The only tools needed to assemble the kit were a saw (I used a table saw), clamps, drill and bit
  for dowelling, and glue. Some imagination and measureing ability is required also. The end result is
  (I think) quite nice and solid teak.
  PS  I also added screening behind the louvers, but this is not part of the kit. I routed a groove
  around the lovered area and screened it using standard Home Depot fiberglass screening and spline.
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