[Alberg30] Atomic 4

RReitz6289 at aol.com RReitz6289 at aol.com
Mon Nov 10 09:14:32 PST 2003

The Group,
At the early part of the year I enjoyed sailing. One day I came back to port 
and all was well.The engine that could did, then a week later I came to take 
her out and she would not start. I checked/dismantled and cleaned the 
carburetor, cleaned and set the plugs, checked the spark, the fuel, anything I could 
think of. I tried to start it, it would not start.
I called in a mechanic who appeared a few days later and informed me the 
engine was seized. He explained that I had probably turned it over to much and had 
drawn water in through the exhaust. I went down with a pipe wrench to attempt 
to free it up and was unsuccessful. I am now in the market for an engine 
rebuilder, a rebuilt engine, or a place that I could work on it at. I have the 
experience in rebuilding engines and the original Universal, Atomic Four Manual.
Does anyone have any ideas what my problem might have been and where I could 
turn to for my engine problem.
I was thinking of a place in Maryland, Moyer Marine, has anyone had 
experience with them. I understand there is also a place in Pennsylvania?
I can be reached directly at RREITZ6289 at aol.com
Thank you all
Ralph Reitz
Dances with Waves #457
Sea Bright, New Jersey
 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
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