[Public-list] Chainplate knees and mast pad

Peter Amos p.a.amos at tesco.net
Thu Jul 29 09:42:17 PDT 2004

The next time TaitTait is hauled in the U.S.,hopefully November,the mast will be unstepped so that I can fix that irritating dent in the deck aft of it.From the pic. in disorganized maintenance it appears the deck pad thickness is tapered being thicker  at its closest point to the mast.Is this so or is it an optical illusion in the pic.?
Also I have always been concerned about the chainplate knees.Compared to those I have seen on other boats of a similar size they appear lightweight and not well finished.Although I have never heard of them being a problem,except the 1/4 bolts,while the mast is down it would be a good opportunity to do something about them.I have in mind to remove them,and after preparation add a couple of layers of heavy mat to the hull along the length between the lowers.Then add three strips of 1/4" marine ply over the same area so there is a thickness of 3/4".Finish up by fixing new sturdier chainplates inside bolted through the hull from the outside with 5/16" bolts.
Constructive comments welcome,cries of "heresy" will be disregarded.
Peter Amos
Tait Tait #478

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