[Public-list] Shaft zinc

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Mon May 17 12:16:38 PDT 2004

yes, you're right.  (I was suspicious about that.)  See

 - George

On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 12:56:32PM -0400, isobar at bcpl.net wrote:
> Bob... I think that's a misprint in the catalog you referenced. T here is 
> only one value for threads/inch for any given diameter in a thread series, 
> which is a class of threads for various strengths & tolerences. So, a NC 
> (National Coarse) 5/8 bolt would bve 11 threads per inch. I'm pretty sure 
> the threads for an Alberg 7/8 shaft are NC, so you'd want the 11 TPI.  I'll 
> be the other  part number  for 18 TPI is a misprint fo the NF (National 
> Fine) finer thread series. Notice the other NF threads further down the 
> table.
> Bob Kirk
> Isobar #181


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