[Public-list] Racor filters? A can o worms

Randy Katz randyk at bertschi.org
Sat May 22 13:55:15 PDT 2004

Greetings, Again,
    In shopping for Racor filter cartridges at West Marine I gathered the
following info:
    220/225 series (suction side)

    R24P = Primary filter @30 microns (I'm not sure I've ever seen this one
for sale anywhere.)
    R24S = secondary (final) filter @ 2 microns
    R24T = secondary (final) filter @ 10 microns

    These each cost about $33 dollars.  They're about 4" high and 3.5" in
diameter, brownish.
    For my 20 horse diesel (Universal 3M 20B) this filter is between the
fuel tank and engine, I've used all of this at one time or another.  It may
be getting time to get smarter about it now.
    Which is the "best" to use?  Nigel Calder suggests 10 mic. is OK because
the filter on the engine is around 2 mic.(made by Universal, not Racor).
The idea is that the Racor gets the big stuff and the second filter gets the
littler stuff.
    Does this agree with what others do?

Randy Katz


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