[Public-list] Summer Sailstice

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Mon May 24 14:00:03 PDT 2004

This is part of a conversation between the commodore of our yacht club and a
guy promoting an event called "Summer Sailstice". If you very active
Albergers don't have anything going on that day, here's an excuse for a
party. (or another excuse, as if we all needed excuses)
Brian  ex#497
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Arndt [mailto:john at summersailstice.com]
> Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 3:14 PM
> To: Bill Woodroffe
> Subject: Re: Deep Creek Yacht Club
> Bill - sounds terrific.  We're glad to see everyone get into the
> spirit of Summer Sailstice!  Obviously it's a 'tradition' that is
> developing it's customs which are meant to be diverse and creative so
> everyone can find a way to celebrate sailing with their friends
> wherever they are.  We'll post a note on the site under events and I
> hope you can get everyone sailing with you that day to make sure
> they're signed up on the site.  For one that's the way every
> individual, club or class gets to show what they're doing where and
> it's also the only way anyone has a chance at winning one of the
> prizes.
> I visited your website to see where you're sailing out of - it's a
> great way to get to know the varied waterfronts from which everyone
> sails.  Great to see where you're sailing.  We'd love to see a long
> list of Deep Creek Yacht Club members signed up, sailing and
> celebrating.
> Have a great Summer Sailstice and summer of sailing.
> Thanks for participating!
> John Arndt
> >Deep Creek Yacht Club hosts a Summer Sailstice 2004 after sail raft-up.
> Come
> >to Dead Horse Bay, Brooklyn NY, after an early afternoon sail to help
> >celebrate summer sailing. Bring any food made with Sun Dried Tomatoes,
> >Flower Seed or any food with the word Sun in it and some red wine.
> >this food at the raft up ensures a warm summer and favorable winds for
> >At 1557 horns will sound and bells will ring to usher the sun's approach
> >the Tropic of Cancer. Raft up will start after 1400.
> >
> >Commodore Bill Woodroffe
> >Deep Creek Yacht Club
> >Brooklyn, NY
> >
> >email: commodore at deepcreekyachtclub.com
> >http: deepcreekyachtclub.com
> -- 
> Summer Sailstice - celebrating sailing on the solstice. Sign on at
> http://www.summersailstice.com
> We're looking forward to sailing and celebrating 'with you' on the
> weekend June 19/20, 2004!  Sail locally, celebrate globally.
> ~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~~~ _/)


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