[Public-list] Racing a 38 columbia

Dick Filinich daf at mobiletel.com
Mon May 24 17:56:43 PDT 2004

Hi group:Been a long time since I sailed and took part on alberg
correspondence.Finally brought my boat back down Bayou Lafourche after
nearly 2 years,two back to back storms forced me up north,and a wife
that doesn't like to sail has kept me pondering the future of #191.Well
I'm sure there's some one out there with a spouse who just doesn't want
to sail,and its unusal to not do things together especially when you've
always been like mutt and Jeff.
(Little short story)
There's a new kid in town a 38 columbian,centerboard,well I finally got
a chance to see how bad he would beat me on all points of
sail!!!!!!Downwind,no contest his genoa,on furling was so big I thought
it was a spinnaker at first,on the beam he beat me again but not so
bad.When we made our turns towards a very narrow channel we were closed
hauled and I was ahead and on the winward side of the channel,maybe 50
yards ahead.It took him quiet a while to finally catch up to me,but
having the advantage everytime he came to pass my sails blocked his wind
and I would pull ahead again.this went on for about a mile or so till he
finally passed me.My bottom is dirty,barnacles etc.Had I had a clean
bottom he would have never caught me!!!!!Wind at 15 and I had a 160 %and
the main.And he was not a beginner ,everytime I trimmed I looked over
and we were like bookends.
Glad to be sailing again.Is this typical that an alberg can hang with
bigger boats,or was this just a fluke???????/     Wind Dancer #191
Galliano,La.               Dick Fillinich


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