[Public-list] That brown goo from weeping blisters

William Wallace tristan at one.net
Mon Nov 29 15:06:40 PST 2004


Many of our classic boats from the 1960's and 1970's (and some even 
later) have water intrusion due to poor efforts by previous owners to 
drill out hardware bedding holes and fill with epoxy, then drill, and 
rebed hardware (winches, cleats, fairleads, etc.).  Without filling the 
holes with epoxy and careful bedding, many of our boats had water leak 
into the balsa or plywood core through holes left from hardware 
mountings.  I just bought my 1962 Seafarer Rhodes Meridian (even though 
it was designed by Phil Rhodes, it looks a bit like a Pearson Ariel by 
Alberg) in Florida, a year and a half ago, knowing that it had some 
delamination on the fore starboard deck.  The chainplates are leaking 
so eventually I will have some deck work to do, but it is not a big 
deal.  The boat is superbly designed (I must say much better than these 
"go fast" boats of today!) and well built, so it deserves the work I 
will give her!  Don Casey explains the process in his book on fixing up 
Good Old Boats.

Scott Wallace, Seafarer Rhodes Meridian WATERMARK
On Monday, November 29, 2004, at 01:04 PM, John Kennedy wrote:

> Don Campbell <dk.campbell at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> 	"I redid the whole of the deck on WO."
> Two questions, Don.
> How did you do that?
> Presuming I buy in the next few years, how much should I be scared 
> away from
> boats with potential deck delamination problems?
> John Kennedy
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