[Public-list] That brown goo from weeping blisters

Michael Connolly crufone at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 30 07:58:45 PST 2004

John and others,
The moisture could most definately be condensation.  The other day I was visiting my boat while on a trailer and could easily make out the outline of the cast iron ballast thur the fibreglass keel surface.  Moisture from the air was condensing on the fibreglass surface adjacent to the much cooler iron ballast inside.  The edge of the line was very distinct between dry keel areas and those which were wet due to the iron inside the keel.

John Irving <a30blueteal at gmail.com> wrote:

The moisture on the outside of my keel was definitely water. It was
clear with no apparent color or odor. Initially I suspected it was
weeping from inside the keel, but now I'm wondering if it might have
been condensation. It seems to be present on some days, and totally
dry on others. A recent survey reported no blisters on the hull, and I
haven't noticed any either. Indeed, given the age of the vessel, the
glasswork etc. is in remarkable condition. I suspect the brownish
liquid you have noticed inside your cabin is of different origin to
the moisture I reported in my post.



On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 19:57:53 -0800, Alan Slater wrote:
> I noticed last week on the discussion "Water in the keel cavity", that one of the pictures showed a blister weeping a brownish liquid, possibly a resin residue.
> On the inside of my cabin, the curves portions where the sides meet the top, I have many small paint blisters also weeping a brownish liquid. This only happens when the condensation level is high inside the boat.
> I hope that this is the result of the previous owner using inferior paint, but I wonder if it has anything to do with the fiberglass resin breaking down, as this winter is slotted for a complete interior refinish.
> I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas on this before I get started.
> Thanks,
> Alan Slater
> "Romp" #358
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