[Public-list] Buying an Alberg

Budington, Jonathan jon at globalprintinginc.com
Sat Oct 30 11:30:32 PDT 2004


I am close to purchasing a 1965 Alberg 30.  I have raced on J-30's in the
Bay, and I always admired the lines of the Alberg.  My wife and I have 5
kids - twins 18 months ago - and decided that life would be complete if we
owned a boat.  The boat I'm looking at has been restored and is currently in
the Chicago area.  I was hoping someone could answer some questions about
the boat in general.

1. How large a crew can the 30 hold comfortably?  I doubt I will ever have
the entire family, but can it sail well with 7 people?

2. The boat I'm interested in has some cracks at the mast step.  The owner
has an aluminum plate that repairs this - not yet installed.  Is this a
common problem?  

3. The boat has a Gray Marine Gas engine with 1100 hours on it.  Most of the
boats I have seen use the Atomic 4.  Is the Gray a decent engine?

4. I plan to fly to Chicago next week to inspect the boat.  Any advice on
what to look for?

5. The boat may have a few things that need to be completed - rigging
possibly.  Any advice on who works on Alberg 30's in the Annapolis area?

I am new to the Alberg, and plan to buy it and figure it out.  I would
greatly appreciate any advice.

Thank you,

Jon Budington   


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