[Public-list] Roller furling - or hanked on?

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Mon Oct 18 17:53:21 PDT 2004

John Kennedy wrote:
> I wondered if anyone has tried downhals on hanked-on jibs and can compare
> them to the ease of dousing the jib with furling gear (until it gets stiff
> or breaks, that is. . . . )

I use a downhaul when conditions might be rough or I'll be going into 
some place crowded while shorthanded.  It's a piece of cake.  I just tie 
a line to the top hank (not to the head, as that will twist the hank and 
cause it to jam).  The line leads down to a block at the stem and then 
back to the cockpit.  To douse, just pull the sheet tight, release the 
halyard and haul away on the downhaul.  When possible, I like to back 
the jib first, so it falls on deck behind the lifeline.  In any event, 
the sail is contained and doesn't fall overboard.

Of course you still have to go foward eventually and fold up the sail. 
That's a point for the roller furling.

And if you want a different size sail, you have to carry it forward and 
hank it on.  Of course, with roller furling you have the option of doing 
the same or of accepting a degraded sail shape by reefing on the 
forestay.  If you change the furling sail, it'll be flying loose in the 
wind as soon as it drops out of the slot.  I'll call this point a draw.

If you want simplicity and the best possible light air performance, then 
hank-on is a definite winner.  The roller is another machine to 
maintain, another thing to break--an expensive one.  And I've noticed 
from watching the fleet that the roller sail gives up it's drive before 
the hank-ons.  I'll score this point to the hank-on with downhaul.

So, it looks like a tie.  Your choice.

  - George

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.
                                             'The Middle' by Ogden Nash


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