[Public-list] A-30 west coast website?

Brian Hofler bhofler at shaw.ca
Tue Sep 21 18:29:13 PDT 2004

Hi Randy:

Yes it is up and running...except I managed to delete two other individuals
that logged on...not sure what I am doing...the best way to figure it our is
to google yahoo groups. Search for Alberg 30 and you should find the links.
Once there you can bookmark...very sparse for now but will grow in time.


-----Original Message-----
From: public-list-bounces at alberg30.org
[mailto:public-list-bounces at alberg30.org]On Behalf Of Randy Katz
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:17 AM
To: Alberg list
Subject: [Public-list] A-30 west coast website?

Greetings, Brian,
    I tried the yahoo site but no luck.   Are you sure this is up and
running?  Any special things to do to find it?
Randy Katz

on 9/21/04 8:17 AM, public-list-request at alberg30.org at
public-list-request at alberg30.org wrote:

> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 17:22:21 -0700
> From: Brian Hofler <bhofler at shaw.ca>
> Subject: [Public-list] New site available
> To: Alberg 30 Public List <public-list at alberg30.org>
> Message-ID: <HGEKIOOMCKJAPCKINLOIOEHLCAAA.bhofler at shaw.ca>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Hello All:
> I am attempting to begin a new A30 information exchange site in the
> Northwest. Log on to westcoastalberg30 at yahoo.com and it will take you
> It is an attempt to create a site similar to the Albin Vega site (one I
> belonged to originally). It is not intended to offend, recruit or take
> members from other lists and / or groups. Please feel free to register and
> upload any files, pictures, tips information etc. The files allows you to
> leave information permanently for other A30 owners to share. For instance,
> some of the comments regarding re-powering are of interest to all of us.
> was mentioned that there is an Atomic 4 engine re-builder in the Vancouver
> area...The address is www . atomic four engine service . ca. I will post
> on the site.
> Cheers
> Brian - Putachieside

Randy Katz

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