[Public-list] leaks

Dave Terrell DTERRELL at message.nmc.edu
Wed Apr 6 10:17:41 PDT 2005

I also had leaks that came partly from the chainplates. Those are now rebeded. I am now puttiing t-track on the toe rail so the genoa cars will slide better, etc. Because the spacing of the holes is different I plugged the old holes with hardwood dowels that are put in with epoxy and adhesive filler with the top covered up with some of the epoxy. Next I will remove all the 35 year old caulking on both sides of toe rail and then recaulk the toerail. With all this I think I have reason to hope that I will have a dry port side this year. 

>>> finkenbergl at yahoo.com 04/05/05 6:38 PM >>>
If water gets into the cabin cabinets - the area under the sail track is probably the culprit. When I removed the old sail track some of these bolts were loose - probably from many good years of the jib tugging on the rail (some of the bolts were also bent a bit). You should see some of the nuts right in the ceiling of the cabinets.  The leaks were gone after replacing the sail track - I did rebed that area with silicon as well - but it was simply a matter of squirting some under the track when it was levitated an inch or so and tighenting down the sail track and toe rail.
Linc, Gypsy 138

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