[Public-list] The NOODs are here!

C.B. Currier cbcurrier at spinrx.com
Mon Apr 11 08:10:40 PDT 2005

Greetings fellow Albergers and enthusaists!

April 29,30 and May 1st are the days for the NOOD. For the Alberg 30 class
one of the biggest race weekends of the year and the 1st of the year. We
hope to have a good turnout this season and I am writing you today on this
list to attempt to catch-up with any stray racers/would-be racers in the
Annapolis area who might be interested in participating.
The registration for the race closes April 15 and thereafter has a $50
penalty for late registrations. Due to this large penalty i wanted to let
everyone know that if you ahve been thinking about racting then you need
to get your registration taken care of immediately. The best way to do
this is to go online to http://www.sailingworld.com/nood and follow the
links for the Annapolis NOOD to online registration. Get it in before the

Thei will be a great event and we lookforward to seeing many great races
that weekend.

C.B. Currier
Infinity #57
Daybreak #458


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