[Public-list] Solar Panel

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Sat Dec 3 20:48:21 PST 2005

Mike Lehman wrote:
> I installed a 125W inverter many years ago. This year changed from my 9" 
> Zenith conventional TV that I have used since the late 80's to a Sharp 
> Aquos 13" flat screen LCD. I LOVE the new set and it only draws 34W. It 
> has a much better screen - you can watch it in direct sunlight from a 
> 170 degree viewing angle. But this thread was about solar panels - which 
> I do not use, but George does - I will let him respond.

I have a small solar panel mounted on the lazarette.  It doesn't provide 
enough power for normal usage, but does help keep the batteries up when 
the boat is not being used.

This year, I also installed an AC charger.  It's a sealed unit from Bass 
Pro Shops.  On sale, the price wasn't bad and it gives me an equalizing 
charge that neither the solar cell or the stock Motorola alternator will do.

  - George

P.S.  I don't watch television.  Nor do I wear lipstick on the boat. ;-)


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