[Public-list] Grey 75 HP replaceement

Dudley Baker dudley.baker at kongsberg.com
Thu Jul 28 05:51:45 PDT 2005

Peter --

George referred you to the best for old engine replacement -- Van Ness.  I have a 1953 Palmer Scott
inboard that had a Chrysler Ace 90 HP.  I came very close to getting a replacement engine through
Van Ness at a reasonable price.  In the end, I found a Perkins 4-107, direct drive and installed
that engine with new mounts and wet exhaust muffler.  You might look at this as a possibility  --
Though it is not considered "orginal"  I can tell you that I have many more willing passengers who
want to come for a boat ride due to the safety of my diesel --- no more down draft carbuerators!!

Dudley Baker


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