[Public-list] Re: Rudder Shoe Repair

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Thu Jun 16 15:58:01 PDT 2005

>I took the shoe to a machine shop 
>where they drilled the cutout back into a round shape and >then fabricated 
>and pressed into the cutout a bronze bushing with an >inside diameter that 
>matched the pin.

I had a similar problem and solution except I was going to 
use Torlon as the bushing material(I know that is used as 
bearing on some rudder stocks). Turns out I had to buy 15' 
length of the diameter torlon I wanted.

Plan B I filled in the egged out hole with epoxy (I forget 
the brand name-P tex or something like that, cures grey, 
comes in two cans) and then drilled a hole to match my 
newly rebuilt pin assembly.

It's worked better than I ever imagined for many years.

Michael Grosh


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