[Public-list] Locker installation of fuel tank

Robert E Johns rjohns3 at optonline.net
Fri Jun 10 12:47:51 PDT 2005

I am having the boat yard install a new fuel tank in the starboard sail 
locker. The tank is one designed by Jay Davenport of this group to fit 
the newer deck layout of the A30. Our Alberg has the new deck layout 
and the old, non-liner cabin. The yard is having trouble figuring how 
to support the tank. Jay had described his installation (see below), 
but it would be a big help if some pictures are available that show how 
a locker located tank is mounted. I will give the yard Jay's 
description (which I thought that they already had). It would be really 
helpful to be able to hand them pictures. I'll be seeing them tomorrow 
to find out what problems they seem to be having.

Thanks for the help.
					Bob Johns, Wind Call, #397

On Mar 24, 2005, at 1:41 PM, Jay Davenport wrote:
> Bob,
> The 1st (starboard) tank didn't have a flange. The 2nd (port) tank,  
> #63126, did have a flange attached for bolting the bottom, aft end of 
> the tank to the shelf on which the tank sits.
> I had attached the 1st tank by using sections of very heavy aluminum 
> angle, which I cut to size (length), and drilled for bolts. These were 
> then attached to the shelf, bulkhead, and overhead in such a way as to 
> prevent the tank from shifting regardless of the boat angle. The 
> surface of the angles which bear on the tank are lined with a high 
> density rubber sheeting.
> Because my boat is a "liner" boat, I just used the existing shelf for 
> a tank support. I did not need to build a platform. Other boats might 
> require one. The fittings (fuel fill, fuel pickup, vent, ground, 
> sender) were all put on the tank where I had told them to put them, so 
> they were all perfectly located for me. These locations could vary for 
> other boats. The fuel fill location in particular is important.
> Jay


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