[Public-list] Rudder - almost there

Lincoln Finkenberg finkenbergl at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 14 08:14:27 PST 2005

I've got some more questions on the rudder build/fit - the groups input is appreciated.

What type of fiberglass do I use to encase the rudder - there is matted or cloth or ground up fibers -- and if I go with cloth (or not?), what weight 10z, 4oz, 10oz, etc.)?  

Any advice on the dos and donts laying fiberglass would be appreciated. Curing times? Do I put one layer - or 2 or 3?

Does the pintle go below the gudgeon (or above)?

In removing the rudder stock I had to hack saw the flange that slips into the base of the cockpit sole.  Any idea where I can buy a replacement?

There's a good chance the bolts which held the rudder shoe in place (which are now severed from when the shoe came off) might not want to leave.  If that's the case - my thought was to use some carefully and alternatively placed piloted holes to send silicon bronze screws (not bolts) into (along with a bunch of 5200 b/w the shoe and the keel). Is this a concern?

Went out and to see how the raw rudder fit to the rudder stock and boat - so far so good.  I wonder if it will steer the boat in circles.

- Captain Rock Bottom, Gypsy #138 
   Mamaroneck NY.

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