[Public-list] Rudder

Lincoln Finkenberg finkenbergl at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 06:51:12 PDT 2005

Can one use use 5200 if you can't get the surface dry?  A couple of the holes in the keel tapped for the Rudder shoe stay wet.  The hole tapped for the bolt that goes parellel with the keel drips water out.  I'd rather not stick a plug way up in the holes - as they are just the right depth. 

Is there something made for curing when wet that has the 5200 property - where you can remove the hardware by heating it.

Is there some sort of material that could plug it and not take up much space?  I'm thinking maybe using oatmeal:)

With a little luck we will have some desert like weather and my troubles will be solved. Its been real wet.

Linc - Gypsy.

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