[Public-list] weather srtipping

Roger L Kingsland rkingsland101 at ksba.com
Thu Sep 8 11:50:07 PDT 2005


I am close to reinstalling forward hatch, lazarette hatch (these look very shippy because I replaced the Plexiglas with teak) and doors to cockpit lockers.  I noticed a company supplying weather stripping advertises on the web page.  Can anyone recommend which of their products work best for A30 hatches?

Thanks so much,

Roger Kingsland
Chief Boat Boy, Rubber/Scraper and Check Writer
Alberg 30 #148, PERFECT intentions
N40-33.92, W79-51.25

"You don't have to think outside of the box, but it doesn't hurt to peek over the edge once in a while."
Leonardo Da Vinci (or somebody like that)

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