[Public-list] Replacing or repairing rudder

edward schroeder eddiediver at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 22 12:07:54 PDT 2005

Assuming the rudder is of wood (on Emotional Rescue #303 the rudder is fiberglass) the split will probably swell closed once the wood gets wet. Again, assuming that the pintle/gudgeons are strogly attached to the forward "half" of the rudder that should be sufficient. You can always place straps across the two halves to join them together. Ed. Schroeder

Rick Lucarelli <exluke_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:Hello,
I'm looking to buy an alberg 30 and one I was looking
at looks to be in need of a new rudder. It appears to
be splitting down the middle and it is barely, if at
all, attached at the gudeons and pin at the bottom. 
How would one go about getting a replacment rudder,
gudeons, etc. Would it need to be specially built? 
How much would such an operation cost? 

Thanks a lot,

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