[Public-list] alcohol

Gordon White gewhite at crosslink.net
Sat Dec 23 08:48:15 PST 2006

I have been using hardware store alcohol in my stove for years with no 
noticeable problems. Far cheaper than the stove fuel sold in boat 
chandleries. The can I have says the stuff is ethanol denatured by 4% 
methanol. (you'd better not drink it.)
 I think grain alcohol has a little higher heat content than methanol, 
but  I'm not sure. I run methanol in my antique race car because (1) the 
engine was designed for it and I'd have to change the pistons to run 
gasoline, (2) it runs a lot cooler on alcohol, (3) it makes more power 
on alcohol.
    I ran denatured grain alcohol one year back in the 1980s when it was 
readily available and saw very little difference compared to methanol.
Any alcohol burns cooler than gas or kero.


I do take precautions when handling methanol, such as trying not to let 
it get on my skin, but I don't think the exposure you get from using it 
in a stove is going to do much harm. Like anything that burns, it puts 
out CO. When run in an engine the exhaust does smell a little like 
formaldahyde and it stings your eyes a little.

Gordon White
Brigadoon II


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