[Public-list] Lazyjacks

Kristofer Coward kris at melon.org
Fri Jan 20 07:31:37 PST 2006

On Fri, Jan 20, 2006 at 10:29:41AM -0500, Gordon Laco wrote:
> Nope - sorry for being unclear...
> When dumping the mainsail, the topping lift holds up the end of the boom, a
> crewman or the reefline loosely hauled in holds the clew of the main,
> creating that useful trough...allowing you to rapidly get the sail down and
> stowed without danger of it getting out of control.

That's what I was picturing.. I suppose I wasn't entirely clear either.


Kristofer Coward				http://unripe.melon.org/
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