[Public-list] Anchor and Rode

Kristofer Coward kris at melon.org
Sat Mar 18 22:04:42 PST 2006

On Sat, Mar 18, 2006 at 08:22:42PM -0500, Robert Kirk wrote:
> Remember, it's never the line that breaks, it's the anchor that drags, or 
> the cleats that pull out, or the chocks that chafe thru the rode. The only 
> function of the rode is to separate the anchor from the boat. There is also 
> no need for any chain at all, cause if you  do the trig  you see that the 
> chain doesn't add anything and is just extra weight. I can just see John 

What do you mean an all-chain rode doesn't add anything? Have you ever
seen chocks chafe through an all-chain rode? :)

Candy Cane #583

Kristofer Coward				http://unripe.melon.org/
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