[Public-list] Mildew in fabric

Dan Sternglass dans at stmktg.com
Mon Mar 13 08:06:16 PST 2006

Hi Todd,

In the laundry area of most grocery stores are spray-products touted as mildew removers. I've had pretty good success spraying this stuff on and then washing the afflicted item in a washing machines. You can also spray it on (wait a bit) and go at it with a soft bristle brush, then rinse with water.

These products usually carry a warning to make sure to try them on an inconspicuous area, they might remove the color dye. Plain old (diluted) Chlorine laundry bleach is the most effective on mildew, but only if it won't attack the material and the material is white in color (or it will be!).

--Dan Sternglass
Watcher of the Skies, #201, 1966, Cayuga Lake, Ithaca, NY
dans at stmktg.com

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have any tricks to remove mould spot stains from fabric?  All
winter we have had no problem with moisture and mould until we went away to
Florida for a week.  When we came back we found several spots had 'bloomed'.

The spots on the fiberglass come off quite easily, but the spots on the
cushion covers seem to be much more permanent.


Strathgowan #400


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