[Public-list] Galley Sink Fixture

Don Campbell dk.campbell at sympatico.ca
Wed May 10 07:00:32 PDT 2006

If you are going to use Chlorine, know the concentration and add
accordingly  as most municiple water systems here use somewhere in the
neighbourhood of 6 ppm of chlorine.

Peter Staehling wrote:

> Thanks to all who responded.  After some checking I
> found that there were a couple pieces of silicone
> caulk in the tank.  They let a little water flow each
> stroke and then acted like a check valve.
> I replaced the very nasty hose while I was at it.
> It was very easy to drain the tank by siphoning it
> into the bilge and running the bilge pump to get rid
> of it,  so I could clean out the debris in the tank.
> Any way I find the pump works better now,  It still
> takes a while to pump a pint of water, but it is
> do-able.  I think I will add a filter and live with it
> as is for a while at least.
> BTW: do you guys treat the first tank of water of the
> season?  Subsequent tanks?  Or do you just use it as
> is.  If you treat what do you use and how much?  I was
> thinking of maybe a few drops of bleach per gallon.
> Pete
> #554 Aurora
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