[Public-list] Weather site

Peter Staehling staehpj1 at yahoo.com
Thu May 4 04:05:33 PDT 2006

George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at alberg30.org> wrote:
> I just checked the iWindsurf site, and they still
> offer the real-time 
> wind information for free.  They've got more sites
> than just depending 
> on Thomas Point, and some of them are WeatherFlow's
> own buoys.

It depends on which locations you want.  A lot of them
give "This site is exclusive to iWindsurf FX members".
 As expected those are the ones that I am most
interested in.  At least that is what I see if not
logged in.

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net wrote:
> I have found wind velocity predictions to be totally

> unreliable on the water. Damned if I will pay for
> privilege.

I have found this to be a mixed bag.  Two years ago
they seemed to be very good.  In the recent past their
batting average has been MUCH worse than in the more
distant past.  I am not sure if this is because of
recent weather patterns or if they are just doing a
worse job.  At one point they seemed to do much better
than the NOAA page.  Lately this is not the case. 
They offer a much more granular version of the
forecast, but if it is wrong it doesn't matter :)

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