[Public-list] Dealing with leaks

edward schroeder eddiediver at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 25 07:41:01 PDT 2006

All the rain water that falls between the coamings, the companionway and the back end of the cockpit will collect in the cockpit. (The rain that falls on the seats will go down the drain hoses and, if the thru-hull is closed, will flow out the bottom of the seat rain opening into the cockpit also). Assume 4ft between coamings x 5 ft. lengthwise= 20 sg. ft of surface x (4 inches? of rain in 3 weeks is 0.33 ft) 20 sf x 0.33 ft + 6.6 cubic ft. of water.
  If (when) this water finds it's way into the smaller bilge, the 6.6 cu.ft. of water will be much higher than in the less constrained cockpit. Ed. Schroeder #303
George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at alberg30.org> wrote:
  Lloyd Pulley wrote:
> I took the liberty of renaming this thread Dealing with Leaks.
> I still have not been able to account for the amount of water that got in
> the bilge except for this possible scenario:
> The hoses from the Stern area including the two in cockpit are connected on
> both port and starboard sides to two hoses which have valves that can be
> shut off in the engine compartment which then lead to two seacocks.
> The tradeoff is when I left the boat in the water for three weeks unattended
> I shut them off because I thought the risk of water coming back up from the
> seacocks was greater than water from rain accumulating in the cockpit and
> sides.
> However, I think if the other seals in the cockpit were not fully tight
> water over time may have leaked in to the bilge from here.
> But would this have accounted for two inches over the cabin floor and
> filling battery compartment? I don't know.

I leave the scupper seacocks open, and use good hose on those.

The problem with closing them is that then all of the rain that falls on 
the boat will back up into the cockpit. From there, it will find a way 
below, I think. Even if the rudderpost fitting is well bedded, the 
inspection plate is a screw fitting. (I put a little vaseline on the 
threads to improve the water tightness.)

When I remember bygone days George Dinwiddie
I think how evening follows morn; gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
So many I loved were not yet dead, http://www.Alberg30.org
So many I love were not yet born.
'The Middle' by Ogden Nash

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