[Public-list] Atomic four intake seacock location

Rachel penokee at cheqnet.net
Sat Apr 28 10:33:38 PDT 2007

Hi Mike,

I was just querying to see if anyone had moved it, and if so, how they 
felt about it.  I'd love better access to my bilge for future cleaning 
purposes, and the current intake cuts what meager access I do have in 
half.  OTOH, I wasn't planning to "just do it" without learning from 
anyone who had tried it in the past, to find out how it was working out 
for them.

When I read your initial response, it just struck me as being a bit on 
the negative side, yet I wasn't sure which part of what I was asking 
was the problem, or why it was wrong to ask about it.  But I know that 
sometimes Internet communication comes across differently than it would 
in person, so I'll just chalk it up to that.


On Apr 27, 2007, at 8:08 PM, Mike Lehman wrote:

> Rachel
> I am sorry if I offended you - I just did not see any point in moving 
> the
> engine intake from the port side to the starboard side. Apparently you 
> see a
> benefit in doing that - so go for for it!


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