[Public-list] Atomic 4/Grey Marine

Robert Kirk isobar at bcpl.net
Fri Feb 2 09:15:20 PST 2007

At 08:37 AM 2/2/2007, Cole, Andrew L wrote:
>152 came from the factory with a Greymarine (which it still has).  Not
>sure where the change came, but obviously somewhere between 1966 (152)
>and 1967 (221).

181, also 1966, has an Atomic 4, which I assume, but not sure, is original. 
(Is that a record for the number of commas per word in a sentence?)
So, if there was a unique turnover time, and not just random engine 
installations, then we're converging on 1966.

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181


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