[Public-list] Cockpit drains above water line

Rachel penokee at cheqnet.net
Sat Mar 17 08:54:14 PDT 2007

Here's something I've never understood (but I'm probably missing 
something):  If you have crossed drain hoses, and you're heeled over 
and the cockpit takes on water, how does said water exit "up" from the 
cockpit to the opposite through-hull?

On the same topic, I re-watched "Jean-du-Sud Around the World" last 
night, and I believe he might have his cockpit drains exiting above the 
waterline.  I saw two largish through hulls on the stern/hull, just 
forward (I think) of the lazarette/cockpit bulkhead, and 
correspondingly, no through-hulls where the cockpit drains normally 
are.  I also noticed he had the standard ~1" scuppers at the forward 
end of the cockpit, and no new drains aft.  So maybe it can work out.



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