[Public-list] What to do with expired flares

Mike Lehman sail_505 at hotmail.com
Mon May 14 07:22:16 PDT 2007

I keep the expired one on board alnong with the new ones - If I ever needed 
to use flares, I would lite them expired or not.

Mike Lehman

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Patricia O. Meinhold" <pmeinhold at comcast.net>
Reply-To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all 
<public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
Subject: [Public-list] What to do with expired flares
Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 15:45:00 -0400

We're sorting our gear to return to Rinn Duin and discovered that half
of the flares (hand held and the ones for the gun) are expired.

Any suggestions re: how to dispose of them?

Pat Meinhold
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