[Public-List] Bottom paint (re-query)

J Bergquist jbergqui at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 10:38:20 PDT 2008


Sorry I meant to answer you then got swamped.

I used ablative Micron CSC in 2005 and just had my boat repainted a
couple of weeks ago. I used Micron CSC again. The stuff is real
expensive, but it seemed to work pretty good. I did 2 coats last time
but this time the yard recommended only one coat so I went with that.
We'll see how well it works.

I think CB uses Baltoplate which is a hard paint that he burnishes but
I'm sure he will correct me if I am wrong.

Tim W just had his bottom done and he used VC offshore I believe. This
is a hard paint, not ablative.

Andrew C also just had his bottom done I don't know what kind of paint
he uses. I am pretty sure he used some flavor of ablative.

I thought Towney also used Micron CSC, but might be off on that.

Don't know what TC uses, but I think it is a hard paint.

Basically if you use ablative the antifouling performance is better
than hard, but you have to be careful with scrubbing. If you scrub too
much you rub the paint off.

If you use a hard paint, the finish is smoother but you have to scrub
to prevent growth. If the boat sits for a while, you will get more
growth on a hard painted bottom than on an ablative one. Hard paint
can be scrubbed weekly if you want.

Personally, I have my bottom scrubbed monthly at most and usually only
a few times a year so I think the ablative is the way to go. Also,
since I had ablative before and you can't put hard over ablative, I
just stuck with it.

Hope that helps. I am sure others will chime in as well.


On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Rachel <penokee at cheqnet.net> wrote:
> Pardon me if this is a repeat, but I sent in a bottom-paint query a few days
> ago, and haven't heard a peep back.  I realize it was directed only at
> Annapolis folks -- and maybe they're all busy or out sailing right now --
> but it also crossed my mind that it may have been lost in cyberspace.  So
> here it is again (half as long as my intro to it):
> I'm wondering what type(s) of bottom paint the A-30 folks in the Annapolis
> area use -- especially those who race in the one-design races, but other
> folks too.
> Thank-you,
> Rachel
> 1967 Alberg 30, #221
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J Bergquist
No News is Good News


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