[Public-List] more swim ladder

John Scott jcscott at cpsc.com
Sat Jul 12 14:56:53 PDT 2008

Thank you all for the many responses to my first "swim ladder" posting.

I forgot to mention in that posting that I noticed on my starboard toe  
rail (the originals to rail I think) are stainless steel "female"  
mounts for what I suppose would be a swim ladder.  They look as if  
they were meant to be there and that maybe at one time Alberg 30s came  
with a swim ladder that could be attached and detached at this point.   
No one mentioned this possibility in the recent posting and I'm  
wondering if anyone else has seen this kind of a ladder and, more  
importantly for me, where I might be able to get one if they in fact  
exist and are functional.

(btw, Wooshkeetaan is a 1965 vintage)

Thanks again for your guidance and further indulgence.

John Scott
Wooshkeetaan #26


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