[Public-List] Going backwards/ Heater

Dave Terrell dterrell at message.nmc.edu
Wed May 28 19:07:51 PDT 2008

I switched from a two blade propeller to a three blade propeller and find that backing is much more predictable. I purchased mine from Michigan Propeller. I also found a very excellent and comparable propeller from Campbell Sailor Prop in Canada. Both can be found on the internet. Based upon past observation, many members of this site can give good advice about backing even with a two blade prop. For me, switching to a three blade prop solved most if not all of my backing problems and I recommend this option as a solution for your concerns. 

As to a heater, I can not give much advice because cold weather in northern Michigan and the end of sailing come at the same time. I do know that diesel, propane, wood or charcoal boat heaters are available in the US. Defender.com is a good Us source as is Westmarine.com. From these sources you can get an idea about US prices. They can tell you what shipping would cost. I have no clue about that. What about local sources in Chile?

I wish I could give more and better help. I hope this help you, Mark, as well.

David, 432

>>> Mark Dietrich <mrkdtrch at yahoo.com> 05/28/08 11:08 AM >>>
:I also have a terrible time trying to motor backwards, especially if there is wind or current.  I would like to hear from others about  any tricks that make it easier.
Mark  531

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