[Public-List] Tees in the raw water intake (was Seacocks and gate valves.)

Hugh McCormack hugh_alberg at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 15 09:44:50 PDT 2009

Another thought on the Tee in the raw water intake.  If your boat is (or originally was) powered by a GrayMarine SeaScout then the Tee is intended to recycle water through the cooling system until the engine comes up to temperature.  After that the thermostat opens and closes as necessary to maintain engine temperature.  If your boat has been repowered from a GrayMarine engine then the Tee may have been retained by someone who didn't understand its function.




> Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 08:13:51 -0700
> From: mrkdtrch at yahoo.com
> To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
> Subject: Re: [Public-List] Seacocks and gate valves.
> Thanks Mike and Rachel for the replys regarding the raw water intake.  I guess the tee was put in by a former owner.  I plan to take it out and put in a basket strainer.  
> How ofter do you replace the impeller in the water pump?

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