[Public-List] More Rudder Talk

Michael dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Tue Dec 15 03:15:09 PST 2009


If your rudder is like mine (and that is a big if), you will not need to 
dig a hole. A medium speed grinder with 36 grit paper will make all 
things apparent. Swing the rudder hard left and right to get down to 
metal right on the leading edge up high especially. I would use a 3/8" 
electric drill before one of those monster 4000 rpm automotive grinders, 
unless you have a light touch/ experience. If you have mentioned your 
boat number, it didn't sink in.

The slotted flat head bronze bolts readily came undone(which surprised 
the heck out of me) using a monster screw driver and adjustable wrench 
on the shank.

On Checkmate I found the middle attachment (sort of a gudgeon/pintle 
arrangement) fits together like a chinese jig saw puzzle. It needs to be 
unscrewed from the rudder to get to the pin holding it all together. I 
unscrewed it from the boat also as I wanted to replace fasteners. I used 
a shanked bronze bolt as a replacement pin there-cutting off the head 
and threads.



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