[Public-List] Shore Power

zira at bellsouth.net zira at bellsouth.net
Mon Feb 2 08:48:37 PST 2009

All - 

When we bought #229, the shore power system was a mess.  I tore the whole thing out.  I am now tring to install a new (simple) system.  I have the orignal 20 amp inlet mounted on the front of the cockpit, and an unused double-pole marine grade circuit breaker.  
1. Do any of you use the 20 amp inlet, or have you replaced it with a 30 amp inlet?  If so, did you put it in the same location, or move it?
2. Where did you install outlets inside the boat?  I was thinking one GFCI under the overhead cabinet starboard, near the galley, one at end of the sette (still under the overhead), and one under the shelf starboard in the V-berth area.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

David Swanson
Strayaway Child
Alberg 30 #229


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