[Public-List] Rudder

dickdurk at atlanticbb.net dickdurk at atlanticbb.net
Sat Jul 11 15:41:40 PDT 2009

>How difficult was it for you to excavate down to 
>locate the nuts for these machine screws?...in the rudder 
>blade and more to the point how difficult was it to 
>remove the machine screws to replace them? 

I don't think there are nuts. I think the bolts are 
threaded into fiberglass. It was a long time ago the first 
time I did this, But I wouldn't have used anythng more 
aggressive than a hand impact driver (the kind you whack 
with a hammer)

>triangular pieces near the lower 
>trailing edge of the rudder which conceal, (what, 
>hexagonal heads of bolts or something else?), 

Ya. those are pockets for bolt heads for long bolts that 
run the length of the rudder and hold the bronze (or 
brass) stock at the lower leading edge of the rudder, the 
bottom end of that piece having a pintle that inserts into 
the shoe.

On the wiki page there should still be an engineering 
diagram of all that, RudderStock or something like 
that-I'll get back to you on that-which is exactly how my 
rudder is constructed.

To me the trickiest bit of all this were the triangular 
pieces of wood embedded into the fiberglass casting. Beats 
me why there was a need for those, but mine were in an 
advanced stage of popping off when I got to them. I 
rebedded them back in place with thickened resorcinol, 
holding them in place with a spanish windless arrangement.

A real engineering masterpiece I had going for a while...



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