[Public-List] loose casting on propeller shaft at end of keel

Peter Milley milleype at kingston.net
Sat Jul 25 20:45:59 PDT 2009

My question relates to the casting at the aft end of the keel that contains
the propeller shaft. The lower of the two bolts appeared to be backed of a
couple of turns and the casting had come away from the hull enough to see
light in the crack. I tried to tighten this bolt but it acted like it was
stripped. I backed it off and took it out and when I tried to put it back in
place it doesn't want to seem to grab on anything. Before I start messing
with something I haven't had apart can you advise me if there is any drawing
to show this assembly? Does the bolt merely thread into the fiberglass keel
or is there a nut or something in behind that has dropped off. I tried to
look inside but the area where it pierces the hull appears screened from
view under the diesel fuel tank.

Peter Milley

Hull 475


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