[Public-List] white fleet award

Don Campbell dk.campbell at sympatico.ca
Wed May 6 08:20:39 PDT 2009

Jay ;
    Just remember that the last great area for world exploration for the 
21st Century is between the ears. We had a very interesting week of 
Public TV in December on neuroscience - they did 28 hours in a week and 
all areas of pros that week felt they were below 3% of total knowledge 
possible on brains and brain related sciences. Therefore,  if you know 
90 % of what you need to for the exam, you are unlikely to know any more 
than about 2% of what the real story is. However it is still a 
fascinating field of study and  while I know your reading is without 
compromise, you would enjoy a book called The Brain that Changes Itself 
by  Doidge. It is available as a Penguin paperback and is on Amazon or 
    Good luck on your exam and don't tell your examiners too much they 
have never heard before. That never seems to go over too well. . People 
like Hans Selye and Wilder Penfield still have important contributions 
to the basics though that still apply.

J Bergquist wrote:
> Albergers,
> Pursuant to my previous correspondence on the subject of the white
> fleet award, we will be presenting the first of these awards at this
> weekend's Alberg 30 Spring Series. The award has been ordered and
> shipped today. You can find details on the award, including the rules
> for competing for it, what the award is going to be, and what the
> award art work looks like at the racing blog:
> http://racing.alberg30.org
> I welcome your comments by e-mail or on the blog.
> Unfortunately, I will not be able to race this weekend because I have
> my Neuroscience final next week and considering that I already
> sacrificed one Neuroscience grade to the cause of Alberg 30 racing, I
> cannot afford to sacrifice two of them. But I hope that you have great
> weather and great racing.
> Kind regards,
> J Bergquist
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