[Public-List] Alberg 30 or Triton?

Richard Mair ramair49 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 18:06:24 PDT 2010

Our opinion
We have been across the Atlantic in an Alberg 30.. After our experience I
would not trade this boat for anything.. Worst Atlantic weather so far is
approx 16 foot waves and 45 knot winds..The waves were blocking the wind
from the cape horn windvane and that is how i estimated the waves..When the
weather did not die down and dark was aporaching we deployed a Jordan series
drogue after taking down the trysail..The night passed like a bad anchorage
but at no time did we feel in danger..  We have had similar conditions since
with the same results.
      The most uncomfortable night we have ever spent was actually in the
Tongue of the ocean Bahamas as the wind shifted to the nose and picked up to
somewhat over 40 kts according to NOAA the next day. We spent the night
beating into the waves not making much progress but the biggest problem was
figuring out the shoreline at night.
  We have also had to go the outboard route. We had to get back to Nova
Scotia with a blown engine and built a similar set up Eves. I hope I never
have to do that again..The boat has to stay level as the motor is on one
side and with a swell it can get swamped. You can get swell with no wind..
In Nova Scotia doing a refit to take off again. Just the sight of Flores
appearing out of the early morning fog is worth the few uncomfortable
You cant go wrong with an A30
Richard 609 Into The Blue.Itching to get back on the water.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 5:59 PM, Daniel Michaels <nov32394 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am looking to purchase a single handed blue water cruiser to sail to
> Europe and beyond. I plan on living alone or with one other person. I have
> found a couple of each of the selected boats. Ranging from #3 Triton to 653
> newer 66 model. and 1964 to 67 Alberg 30's. Prices range in the $,1000.00
> range for the Triton to $10,000.00 for the Alberg. Either boats after
> refitting will be about the same price at $15,000.00. I am not planning on
> using the inboard engines but an out board. Which boat am I likely to like
> best. I am looking more for ease of use (Safety at sea) than comfort.
> Dan
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